My Pitch to the Vending Machine
Dear Wellspring Saigon International Bilingual School
I have a review and critique about the school’s Vending Machine. The Vending Machine, one of the landmarks of Wellspring Saigon and a checkpoint for many students looking for a bite. But… As a fellow snack and drinks enjoyer, the Vending Machine has a major flaw!
Obviously, there are too few items that we can choose from. Yes, there might be some Oishi, Nabati, C2, or soda. But guys, let’s learn a lesson from American highway vending machines. Of course, it would be unfair to compare a first-world country to a third-world country… But we can always learn from our superiors a thing or two! An average American highway vending machine would include a diverse storage of chips, a few slots of scrumptious granola and chocolate bars. And let’s promote healthy products like packaged seeds and nuts or just simple water bottles.
Also, I would like to use this as an opportunity to promote the placement of more vending machines around the school (namely around the . I honestly believe that Wellspring Saigon serves as a major hotspot for consumers, which consist of hungry students and exhausted teachers looking for a small burst of energy or to enjoy a delicious and rewarding treat. Walking all the way to the vending machine on the ground floor, exhausting all of your time and energy. And only to be greeted by unpalatable products is just sad.
This is a truly win-win situation for both the student, teachers, and the school. First of all, the school can buy supplies of food and stock them in these vending machines. On average, these products would be empty by the end of the day, generating a great source of income for the school. Secondly, all students and teachers get to enjoy appetizing delicacies without wasting much time and energy. This also opens up opportunities for students to become businessmen, involving students in the process of maintaining, tracking sales and deciding products develops great entrepreneur and financial skills.
Overall, this is a pitch and review of mine. Along with my opinions and ideas of how we can maximize a small thing to become a potentially useful tool that can prosper the school’s environment and blossom marketing and financial skills in our students.
Thank you for reading.
Made by Võ Vinh Phúc of Class 9.1